Come walk & heal with us

A Support Community for Women

Our Program

Narrow Road Home offers a continuum of support and care through customized residential recovery programs for women struggling with domestic violence, abuse,  addiction and life crisis.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy at Narrow Road Home is to thoughtfully create an individualized program to meet specific needs for each woman who enters our home. Each woman is supportively guided on how to take an accurate inventory of her lifestyle in a safe, supportive environment.

Get Involved

Join our healing community as an advocate, volunteer, supporter or donator. It takes many hands to transform a woman’s life.


There Is Always Hope – Narrow Road Home
Narrow Road Home is a women’s healing house of recovery in peaceful High River, Alberta. We offer individualized recovery and healing programs for women who find themselves in unfortunate life crisis's and need professional support and recovery. We offer a unique, effective approach to inner-healing and spiritual growth with the primary goal being personal transformation.
Donations for the Narrow Road Home
One of our greatest challenges is keeping the lights on. We do our best to never turn anyone away. We're grateful for anything you can contribute.
about our program
We are a residential recovery home for women

Narrow Road Home is a unique faith-centered healing program for women struggling with addiction, domestic violence, mental health issues, emotional disturbances, life crisis or abuse. NRH is for women who have finally come to the end and are willing to try a new way of life. Women who are tired of their current destructive coping mechanisms and adaptations that are no longer working.

NRH is made up of a passionate team and a community of caring and committed individuals. Your experience and connections at NRH do not end when you leave our centre as we truly offer a transformational experience. Life teachers, mentors, psychologists, Certified Life Coaches, Chaplins, Pastors and volunteers make up our tribe to support you every step of the way.

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Suffering and in crisis (does not need to be chemically-based)
  • You do not need to live locally in Alberta to attend our centre
  • Must be medically detoxed (if necessary)
  • You are committed to walk away from all your current triggers and unsafe escape hatches
  • Referrals from doctors, psychiatrists or psychologists are accepted

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The initial introduction to the program is an informative phone interview with one of our Admissions Coordinators, consisting of a general Program overview and Q & A, providing a comprehensive outline of our program services and client criteria for admission. At this juncture, potential clients will be provided the Fee Schedule for admission to our program.

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The first priority at the Narrow Road Home is to acknowledge and admit that at a deep level we are broken. Surrender (giving up) is the beginning of a new relationship with ourselves, others and God. This opening in which surrender creates helps us begin to develop a trusting relationship with ourselves, others and God. These new emboldened connections help break down the walls that keep us bound in self-destruction. Our goal is to offer you a lifeline of hope whereby all your buried dreams can be discovered. Read more
We professionally facilitate and coordinate interventions with families, loved ones, support workers and those involved with the potential client. If you require an intervention for a loved one contact us here.

At NRH you can expect to find your smile again. While we engage in a myriad of educational treatment-based modules, we also make cookies, go hiking, have pajama parties, work at the Narrow Road Creperie & Co. and attend events. Amidst all that we also offer career counselling and networks for those needing to re-establish themselves in the work force.    

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Explore our facilities

Our Recovery Homes

The Narrow Road Home, from its inception, has been designed to be a safe haven for healing and a landing place of hope and recovery for women.

The Narrow Road home Community

Our dedicated team


There is a great need for the services Kim, her staff and the home can provide. Personally, I have been working with Kim on overcoming a childhood trauma that had a hold on me for over 40 years. I never fully understood the damage done and who I was until, with Kim’s experience and guidance, I was able to lay it all out before Christ where he brings in true light and healing. I am sure there is a lifetime of discovery and work yet to be done, but it’s a powerful beginning.
Sandra Wiebe
December 2014
I came to Narrow Road telling myself and believing so many lies. Lies about who I was ‘supposed’ to be, lies about what was ‘supposed’ to make me happy and bring me joy and the lie that alcohol brought me life. Narrow Road, along with my family and friends, could speak truth into my life and bring light to the obstacles and struggles that had brought me to such a dark place. So much of the battle is in our minds. It is a cleaning out process of old beliefs and patterns of thinking. When you learn how to take every thought captive, you live with great ease.
Lisa J
June 2016
With 6 Detox stays, 4 treatment centers, a DUI charge,and a suicide attempt; It’s safe to say I had hit rock bottom! Now I get to wake up everyday free from believing the lies the enemy tells me, that I am worthless, a failure, and a burden to society.
Jessica Baker
September 2019

Making A Difference Award  

 The Calgary chapter of an international volunteer service organization, Soroptimist International, celebrated its award recipients last night at a banquet at the Delta Hotels Calgary Downtown.

Members of Soroptimist International of Calgary honoured Kimberley Courtney as the 2017 winner of the Making a Difference for Women Award. This award recognizes a woman who, through her professional or personal efforts, is making an extraordinary difference in the lives of women or girls.

Kimberley is the Executive Director of Narrow Road Home, a women’s recovery centre in High River. It offers individualized recovery and healing programs for women who find themselves in unfortunate life crises and need professional support and recovery.

Get started

Apply to Our Program

To begin the application process, call or text 403-710-0744 or 403-993-1147 to speak directly with a counselor. You’re also welcome to reach out on behalf of a loved one.

Apply to our program

Call us at 403 710-0744 or 403 993 – 1147