John 8:32 – Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
I came to The Narrow Road Home almost two years ago. I was desperate.
I was a deceived Christian, struggling with panic attacks.
I had been diagnosed as having Dissociative Identity Disorder, depression and other mental health issues. I was unable to function and I was unable to love. My heart was clogged with feelings of unforgiveness, pain, hurt and fear. I decided to leave my family and to seek help, I could no longer bear to continue to hurt them more.
At The Narrow Road Home I was able to reconnect with God and ultimately to reconnect with my true self. It has been because of the love, care, patience and protection that I received at The Narrow Road Home that I discovered that there was really nothing clinically wrong with me. I suffered from believing so many lies that I had accepted about myself, and about others. The biggest lie had been that I was worthless. I never truly felt that I was worth anything. This lie had greatly affected my relationship with God and my family.
My former diagnosis of mental illness and Dissociative Identity Disorder had become my identity. I struggled with relating to my family, my parents and the whole world around me.
The Narrow Road Home taught me to trust again, and to allow others to speak encouragement and correction into my life.
I know now that my true identity is in Christ and I realize that I am a beloved daughter of the King. The lies I once believed have been destroyed by truth.
Norma Laverdiere